All posts by Greg Neise

Swallow Cliff Woods North

Pileated Woodpecker and Louisiana Waterthrush have bred in the woods along the Sag Valley Trail, where it runs west, from the southwest corner of the parking lot.  The first ravine on the left has been good for the waterthrush, and the woodpecker bred here in 2009 … but there is good habitat all along this stretch of trail.

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Midewin Tallgrass Prairie: Iron Bridge access

While there are many grassland species that can be found breeding here, including Henslow’s Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Bobolink, Dickcissel, Sedge Wren and so on, the main attraction is Northern Mockingbird and Loggerhead Shrike.

In the map below, the main parking lot is shown at the end of Schweitzer Rd. The green line marks the trail to the area where the Mockingbirds and Shrikes can be found. The blue marker is the row of osage orange trees where the shrikes nest. Note that the closest access is the trail (the trees where the shrikes nest is off limits, and fenced), and a scope is helpful. Sometimes the birds can be seen at close range on the barbed wire fence. Northern Mockingbird is usually easily seen along this trail also.

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Hennepin & Hopper Lakes

Hennepin-Hopper, as it’s known, is one of Illinois premier birding locations. This restored wetland has some of the best quality cattail marshes in northern Illinois.

There are 3 primary birding spots here:

The boat launch
The boat launch area offers a good vantage point to scope the marsh. Breeding birds here include Yellow-headed Blackbird, Common Gallinule, Least Bittern, American Bittern, Swamp Sparrow, Marsh Wren and other expected marsh species, such as Sora and Virginia Rail. King Rails were calling here in May/June of 2011. Bald Eagle is frequently seen here. In the woods to the south, Red-headed Woodpecker and Carolina Wren are resident. In March and April, thousands of waterfowl congregate here, and White-fronted Goose and Cackling Goose are usually present.

The tower 
The tower offers an elevated overview of the marshes, and many of the same birds. Looking north, one can often spot Northern Harrier, and Sedge Wren nests in the prairie around the tower.

Urnikis Rd.
Another access point, and usually the best for Yellow-headed Blackbird. If the water is low, the gravel trail can be walked for quite a distance through the marsh and out into the prairie to the west. Henslow’s and Grasshopper Sparrows breed here, but the trail is most often under more than 2 feet of water. To access this spot turn west off Rte. 26 at Urnikis Rd. (780E). This is about 1/2 mile north of the main entrance road (795E). Note that there is only room to pull in one or two cars and that the open area that looks like a small parking lot, on the left as you pull in, is private property.

The marshes at Hennepin-Hopper have produced a lot of rare birds including Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Great-tailed Grackle, Ross’ Goose, White-faced Ibis, Black-necked Stilt and Hudsonian Godwit.

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Lost Mound unit: Upper Mississippi NWR

This is a large (very large) area, most of which is off-limits. But the area that is accessible has extensive grassland, scrub and sand-prairie habitat. The habitat is criss-crossed by roads in various state of repair, and birding is primarily done from the car.

The map below gives some suggestions, but many of the target species can be found almost anywhere. Blue Grosbeak and Lark Sparrow are easily found in May and June, as is Northern Mockingbird.

Breeding species found here include Blue Grosbeak, Henslow’s Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Western Meadowlark, Whip-poor-will, Pileated Woodpecker, Northern Mockingbird. Other species that have been found here include Summer Tanager, Carolina Wren and, where the entrance road crosses a creek just before entering the property, Prothonotary Warbler.

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For county listers, the Jo Daviess/Carroll county line is in yellow.

Miller’s Hollow Landing / Lazy River Marina

Directly across the road, on the west side of Rte. 84, from the north entrance to Mississippi Palisades State Park. The backwaters and sand flats that are viewable from the boat launch are good to check for migrating shorebirds and other water-birds. Continue reading Miller’s Hollow Landing / Lazy River Marina

Mississippi Palisades State Park

Mississippi Palisades is well known for its concentration of breeding forest birds, especially warblers. At other seasons, almost anywhere in or around the park can be great birding, this entry is concerned with the breeding species that can be found primarily May–August. Continue reading Mississippi Palisades State Park